Career Coach

Career Counselor and Specialist

Throughout her career, Colleen has counseled and coached thousands of career ‘transitionists’ to career success. Whether you are looking for a new job, a different career, thinking of starting your own business or you need to sharpen the tools in your tool kit with a new resume or interviewing practice, Colleen will guide and encourage you through the often daunting process.

Colleen founded and facilitated Canada’s most recognized networking support group for unemployed business professionals for 10 years, called E.A.R.N., the Executive Advancement Resource Network. Every Friday afternoon job seekers listened to industry experts, networked with each other and sifted through job opportunities collected from various sources throughout the GTA.

Over 7000 people benefited from the camaraderie, support, resources and professional development that EARN provided.

Colleen continues her counseling and training with individuals and groups, unemployed or employed, to help ease the frustration and pain that career transition can cause.

She was the weekly career columnist for 7 years for Metro Toronto and 24 Hours, commuter newspapers in the Toronto area and a guest columnist for The Globe and Mail Canada’s national newspaper. She is regularly quoted in newspaper and magazine articles as a career subject expert.

Career Transition Workshops

When a downsizing or termination takes place in your company, we provide a two day workshop that instills a sense of confidence in the participants and s them the skills they need to conduct a professional work search. Workshops include all the services mentioned above under career counselling services.

Career and Workplace Coach

Colleen has been a certified Workplace Coach with the Adler Institute since 1999. Coaching is different from counseling. As your ‘new best friend” a coach works with you over an extended period of time, often over the phone, to help you achieve goals or acquire new skills that will assist you in honing your professional wonderment.

Benefits to working with us:

In counselling and coaching sessions, our extensive and diversified resource base allows individuals to be up and running and feeling empowered on day one. Career transition workshops are adapted to meet the needs of the client group be they administrators, middle managers or technical people.


Career transition programs are designed and delivered for your company or individual demographics, needs and budget. Flexibility of time and program emphasis is up to you.


Counselling sessions start at one and a half hours. Resume sessions are minimally 2 1/2 hours long and in person or virtually. Coaching sessions are usually 50 minutes to an hour and usually conducted virtually or in person. Some clients only require one visit while coaching clients are usually committed to the process for a minimum of three months. See Your Resume Pro.


Counselling and coaching sessions are held at our office in east Toronto, over the phone, virtually or in person at your office. Workshops are usually conducted at a site selected by the client company, either on-site or at a hotel.