Networking: How To Build Relationships That Count

networking by colleen clarkeColleen Clarke’s Networking How to build relationships that count is a reference must for the novice and master networker alike. Chocked full of practical tips, this indispensable guide covers off all the networking essentials from establishing your goals to developing your network, overcoming barriers and improving your networking skills. With exercises to track your progress and an ample note section, this handbook should be your “go to” book whenever you’re facing a networking challenge or are just keeping track of your network successes.I have personally found this book invaluable and now carry it in my portfolio for quick reference!Cheryl Sproul, HR Executive, October 22, 2013

It is with great pleasure that I am able to introduce you to a revised edition of my old networking book. Networking How to Build Relationships That Count is hot off the press and guaranteed to give you a positive and exciting perspective on networking. This book removes the fear that many people have about reaching out and making connections, often with perfect strangers in strange environments. It is a “how to book”: how to engage people, what to say to set up advice call meetings, scripts to recite when at functions or in networking meetings,the importance of internal networking and increasing ones visibility.

Have you heard people talk about “networking” so long you think you must have heard it all? Think again! If you’re not completely sure about…

  • the 15 most common barriers (excuses!) to networking
  • the 16 rules of networking etiquette -“netiquette”
  • the 10 sure-fire ways to improve your networking skills, or
  • the Advice Call – what it is and the script to make it work

…then this is a book you can use right now. Colleen Clarke learned her networking skills by earning them. She got where she wanted to be and got what she wanted to have by practicing these techniques long before anyone thought to call it “networking”.

In her fresh approach to an age-old challenge, the author shows you that no matter what you’re looking for, you probably can find it through networking. Whether or not you consider yourself an experienced networker, this book will give you different insights and practical advice, presented in simple, clear terms. You’ll come away with the confidence to begin networking for the first time, or to improve the skills you’ve already been using.

It’s telling, not selling

It is with great pleasure that I am able to introduce you to a revised edition of my old networking book. Networking How to Build Relationships That Count is guaranteed to give you a positive, exciting and doable perspective on networking.

This book removes the fear that many people have about reaching out and making connections, often with perfect strangers in strange environments. It is a “how to book”: how to engage people, what to say to set up advice call meetings, scripts to recite when at functions or in networking meetings,the importance of internal networking and increasing ones visibility.